Biopic of Sylvia Plath
Hello guys, I wrote an essay about my favorite American woman writer, Sylvia Plath. This article argues that Sylvia Plath's life and love, feminist and poetic sides on the branch of the movie called biopic. Have a nice weekend! Movie branch has genres like literature or the other art branches, such as movies can be fictional, historical and biographical. Why do the moviemakers reflect important person’s life? Or why do they need to portray her period into the modern period? Moviemakers try to keep important figures of their country alive and teach people how they were important and what their contributions to the country are. Movies about biographies call “biopics”. The biopic is a genre about real, significant person’s life,“[T]he biopic narrates, exhibits, and celebrates the life of a subject in order to demonstrate, investigate, or question his or her importance in the world; to illuminate the fine points of a personality; and for both artist and spectator to d...